
Showing posts from February 16, 2016

Never Under Estimate The Power of an Avocados Pear

I do not eat avocados pear for no reason at all, but when i found out the use of avocados pear and both the seed, i 'm amaze. It help decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy and overall lower weight. It has over 20 vitamins nutrients 1.       Vitamin K: 26% of the RDA. 2.       Foliate: 20% of the RDA. 3.       Vitamin C: 17% of the RDA. 4.       Potassium: 14% of the RDA. 5.       Vitamin B5: 14% of the RDA. 6.       Vitamin B6: 13% of the RDA. 7.       Vitamin E: 10% of the RDA. 8.       Magnesium, 9.       Manganese, 10.   Copper, Iron, Zinc, 11.   Phosphorous, 12.   Vitamin A, B1 (Thiamine), 13.   B2 (Riboflavin) 14.   B3 (Niacin).

Checkout this Fine Girl, i found on facebook -what is this type of outfit called


Conjoined twins who share a SKULL both survive in Saudi Arabian

Conjoined twins joined at the head have been successfully separated after an epic 10-hour operation. Syrian twins Tuqa and Yakeen, who shared a skull but not a brain, were operated on after being flown to Saudi Arabia as part of humanitarian efforts. It took a team of 22 doctors to perform the surgery at the Specialist Children's Hospital at the King Abdul Aziz Medical City (KAMC) in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh on Sunday.

58th Grammy Awards 2016

     The 58th Grammy Awards 2016.See what this ladies are wearing,what will you say about the lady in the 3position.

First bank becomes first financial institution to achieve 100m Monthly transactions

  First bank becomes first financial institution to achieve 100m in Monthly transactions .Interswitch Transnational Africa’s leading integrated payment and transaction processing company has officially recognized First Bank Nigeria Ltd, as the first financial institution in the country to achieve a transaction volume of 100 million transactions in a month. The record transaction volume, which was achieved in the month of December 2015, represents the total transactions processed by First Bank’s Front End Processor running on the Interswitch transaction switching platform which seamlessly links all financial institutions in Nigeria to facilitate better and quicker transactions across all platforms.

@ Bukola Olawoye Party

                                               Bukola Introduction and my Frds pic

Our First Valentine as Couple

  Laureta Akhamie married to Edmund Emuovbe 15th Aug 2015, Our First Valentine as Couple