All this pictures display below are for most people who display difference style in pictures all in the name of photoshot to upgrade their profile or to gain popularity from social medias. Remember, there is an end and everyman shall give account of his/her self. You might say, I have never travelled to south Asia or America, but somebody in Asia or America saw your post and copied you or start practicing that act of yours.           
           Before now, I use to know that when a woman is pregnant, it will be kept secret till she deliver, but nowadays ,women with pregnancy post nude pictures to get fame from the world, written below that they are thanking and appreciating GOD for is goodness. Was that what you where taught? How many times in your closet, have you prayed naked before God in the act of thanking and appreciating him for his goodness? You post sakatiscally in a sexy way, but you are sending the wrong message. Don’t you know that everything we do is for a purpose; Please God is asking you to repent from your ways .And for some other folks who your work is to post pornographic pictures and movies on social medias, or you did not post it but becos the person who post it is your friend, then, you will say let me just like it, becos he/she always like my own post too, then, you go ahead to like it. LET ME TELL YOU THE TRUTH. You are also promoting SEX.
           Lastly, you are a blogger, you have never take a page to post any Christian materials or anything relating to Jesus on your blog and you call yourself a Christian. I’m writing this to every Christians all over, every man take after its kinds. If you are a Christian, then, there are criteria being a Christian, so do the things that are expected of Christians.

Read Rom 12:2 KJV the bible says
             “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,and acceptable,and perfect ,will of God ”.

Jesus is coming soon, but when he comes will he find you ready.


Unknown said…
start a new life,Jesus hands are opened to embrassed you
edtuol said…
Am most concerned about our youths who knowingly/unknowingly are slowly being recruited by the devil
Anonymous said…
Tell them,they need to hear this.

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